The Political Battlefield Over TikTok

Amid political debates and security concerns, the future of TikTok hangs in balance, challenging notions of privacy, innovation, and international relations.

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Who needs Love is Blind when you can just follow the drama surrounding social media companies on Capitol Hill?

Politicians have been trying to get TikTok banned ever since the first time they saw the interns doing the renegade in the lobby. Now, we’re closer than ever to that actually happening.

A new TikTok bill was introduced and rapidly passed through the House, a rare bipartisan push that had an urgency emphasizing the importance of the issue. Now, Senate has to vote (and there’s a fair chance it passes), where it would then head to the office of Joe Biden, who has been very clear that his wrist is warmed up and his ink is wet.

What changed since the last time that attempts were made?

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