Google is too woke

Google's Gemini mistake highlights a wave of hypocrisy sweeping across Silicon Valley

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Google is too woke

Everybody loves to hate on Big Tech.

Every major player has had its time in the limelight of infamy, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen the level of public scorn that Google has received the last couple of weeks.

The company sought to address a legitimate recurring issue in AI whereby models perpetuate racial and gender biases:

  • “Show me a CEO” produces a white man 90% of the time

  • “Show me a nanny” almost always produces a Hispanic woman

  • Even Can of Soup, which uses an actual full-color pic of me, makes me Black whenever there is a prompt involving a professional athlete

However, in Google’s case, they fell into a trap that has ensnared a number of companies and industries in recent years:

Google got too woke.

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