The dangers of doxxing

Doxxing and the fine line between justice and harassment, and the urgent need for privacy

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Happy Thursday, folks.

Doxxing and the fine line between justice and harassment, and the urgent need for privacy

Doxxing has been around for years now, exemplifying the paper trail and lax security standards that the internet has devolved into.

For the unacquainted, doxxing involves posting personal identifying information about another individual, such as names, addresses, contact information and the like. It’s often used nefariously, such as by hackers looking for a ransom or individuals taking justice into their own hands after getting into disagreements online.

Such was the case in Australia where Pro-Palestinian groups found and exposed the personal information of Jewish citizens in a WhatsApp group.

In the ultimate case of Uno Reverse, however, the group that was doxxed was actually organizing its own collective doxxing campaign against local pro-Palestinian activists to get them fired from their jobs.

The threats and harassment resulting from the ordeal have the Australian government pushing anti-doxxing legislation that would further crack down on this practice.

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