You can predict the future

Prediction markets offer an unrivaled opportunity to predict future events

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Happy Thursday, folks.

Not gonna lie, I’m excited for this one. I’ve been nerding out about today’s topic for months now, and I think you’re going to find it incredibly interesting, too.

Much of our modern economy can be categorized by the expansion of financialization.

Shares in companies? It has arguably never been more accessible than it is now to access any form of stocks.

The outcome of a game? Sports betting is a two hundred billion dollar industry.

Whether people will pay off their mortgages, and derivatives of this, and even derivates of these derivatives? The Financial Crisis says hi.

However, most of these markets are driven exclusively by investor demand for ever more options to make money. They’re not very valuable for the everyday observer.

What if there was a financial market that could help you predict the future?

Want to read the full story? Click below to upgrade to our premium edition and become the startup guru you were born to be.

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Cheers to another day,




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