Argil: AI Video Generation for Modern Influencers

How Argil's Cutting-Edge Technology is Transforming the Creator Economy

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The Rise of Digital Doppelgängers in Content Creation

Being an influencer is hard.

It might look like all they do is go on vacation, get free stuff, and lap up the attention of millions of yearning followers, but in reality, traveling requires going through TSA, getting free stuff makes it really hard to find enough closet space, and having that many followers requires at least twice as many pictures to make sure the lighting is perfect.

And yet, they manage to power through, writing caption after caption that keeps the followers a-likin’ and the advertisers a-buyin’

However, there are days when their skin isn’t crystal clear, or their voice is just a bit too gravelly. In these dire situations, what is a creator to do?

Scaling Your Influence with AI-Powered Video Production


Fear not, as Argil is blazing a trail in the creator economy with its AI-powered video generation engine.

Gone are the days of spending hours in front of a camera, perfecting your lighting, and praying your cat doesn't decide to make a guest appearance in the background. Now, you can create engaging video content featuring your digital doppelgänger in just minutes.

With AI video generation, Argil empowers content creators, educators, and marketers to produce high-quality content at scale.

Want to create a masterclass series? Done.

Need to produce UGC-style ads for your latest product? Easy peasy.

Dreaming of becoming the next big YouTube sensation without the constant pressure to be camera-ready? Argil's got you covered.

And for those worried about entering uncanny valley territory, fear not. Argil's tech allows for nuanced control over body language and camera angles, ensuring your digital twin doesn't come across like a reanimated corpse trying to sell skincare products.

Robot Ai GIF by IndieRocktopus

Gif by indierocktopus on Giphy

Navigating Content Authenticity in the Age of Synthetic Media



  • 8-person team and counting

  • Already catching the eye of content creators and marketers

  • Offering both individual plans and an API for scalable video production

Market Size:

  • TAM: $100 billion (global video production and animation market)

  • SAM: $20 billion (creator economy tools and platforms)

  • SOM: $500 million (AI-powered video generation for creators and businesses)


  • Direct AI Video Generation:

    • Synthesia

    • D-ID

    • HeyGen

  • AI-Powered Content Creation:

    • Runway

    • Descript

    • Jasper

  • Traditional Video Creation Tools:

    • Adobe Creative Suite

    • Final Cut Pro

    • DaVinci Resolve


  • Brivael Le Pogam: ex- founder @ Snipets, Tech Lead @ Attraqt and Early Birds

  • Laodis Menard: ex- founder @ Snipets, Director @ Pareto studio and Fundraising Advisor


  • Ethical concerns: The potential for misuse in creating deepfakes could lead to regulatory hurdles or public backlash

  • Market saturation: As AI-generated content becomes more commonplace, standing out in a sea of digital doubles could become challenging

  • Content authenticity: As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, audiences may become skeptical of all digital content, potentially diminishing its impact

What I like:

  • Scalability: The API offering allows for integration into existing workflows and opens up possibilities for large-scale content production

  • Time-saving potential: By reducing the need for traditional video production processes, Argil could free up creators to focus on ideation and strategy

  • Versatility: From education to entertainment to marketing, Argil's technology has applications across multiple industries and use cases


  • Niche down: While long-term horizontal coverage is appealing, early days require a very focused effort to ensure the product is getting the foothold it needs for further expansion

  • Localization services: Offer seamless translation and localization of video content for global brands

  • Virtual influencer creation: Collaborate with brands to develop AI-powered influencers for marketing campaigns, a concept which has already developed quite the following

Argil is positioning itself at the intersection of the creator economy and AI revolution.

By giving individuals and businesses the power to create engaging video content quickly and at scale, they're not just riding the wave of the future – they're helping to shape it. As the lines between human and AI-generated content continue to blur, Argil could find itself at the forefront of a new era in digital communication and entertainment.

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  • Not only does Google’s AI results feature suck, but it is also terrible for the environment… somebody tell Gavin Belson Sundar Pichai to hang it up

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  • New beef just dropped… this time, founders from the various AI hardware startups populating downtown SF WeWorks are blocking each other lmao

Last word 👋 

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